Bertram launches “Mint House Design Contest” for Students to design Mint House for Peppermint Bike Park
Suwanna Eiampikul (Second from Top Left Row), Chief Executive Officer of Bertram Chemical (1982) Co. Ltd., producer and distributor of inhalers, medicated oils, balms and muscle pain relief cream under the brands “Siang Pure” and “Peppermint Field” and owner of Peppermint Bike Park and Mint Café hosted a “Mint House Design Contest”. The “Mint House Design Contest” was created to provide opportunities for architecture students from various universities demonstrate their design and creative skills to be implemented as Mint House’s renovation project. Mint House is located at the back of Peppermint Bike Park, an urban mountain biking destination in the heart of Bangkok. The winners of the “Mint House Design Contest” will receive educational scholarships worth over 95,000 Thai Baht. This program was initiated to celebrate Bertram’s 60th Anniversary and the results of the competition are as follows:
First place winner – Ms. Paranya Ngamjedarom (Fourth from the Left Bottom Row) and Ms. Natawara Preechayuth (Third from the Left Bottom Row) Silapakorn University representatives and winners of the 50,000Thai Baht Educational Scholarships
First Runner Ups – Ms. Walaiporn Kaewmookda (Second from the Right Bottom Row) and Ms. Pechaya Tipapan (Third from the Right Bottom Row) Srilapakorn University representatives and winners of 25,000Thai Baht Educational Scholarships
Second Runner Ups
Two Teams were the recipients of Second Runner Up for the “Mint House Design Competition”
Team One – Ms. Tachaporn Chairint (Second from the Left Bottom Row) and Ms Canyanit Pojanariwong (First from the Left Bottom Row) Chulalongkorn University representatives and winners of 10,000Thai Baht Educational Scholarships
Team Two – Ms. Arpavee Sookwatanavit (First from the Right Bottom Row) Silapakorn University and winner of 10,000Thai Baht Educational Scholarship