Bertram receives Best Thai Brand at the PM Award 2018
Suwanna Eiampikul (Second from Top Left Row), Chief Executive Officer of Bertram Chemical (1982) Co. Ltd.,, producer and distributer of inhalers, medicated oils, balms and muscle pain relief cream under the brands “Siang Pure” and “Peppermint Field” receives on behalf of Bertram the “Best Thai Brand” award from the Prime Minister’s Export Award 2018 under the concept “Leading The Way.” The Ministry of Commerce rewarded Thai businesses that were able to develop products and services that exuded global standards and is considered to be the highest award that any company can receive from the Thai government. This award stands for excellence in quality and function for Thai companies in the world market. It is an honor and a reminder of the success that Bertram has strived for and will continue to strive for in years to come.