Siang Pure Relief Cream sponsors its runners to compete in “SIANGPURE 4TRAILS THAILAND,”
Khun Pattika Tonplee (Middle) Senior Marketing Manager of Bertram Chemical (1982) Co. Ltd., under the brand Siang Pure Relief Cream, a muscle pain relief cream participates in “SiangPure 4Trails Thailand Grand Opening.” The series of events are trail runs throughout 2019 with international standards specifically picked by Khun Piradon Suksawad (Second from Right) the Race Director of Teelakao Co., Ltd. The series will begin with The Moon 100 Phangan in Suratani Province on 15-16th of June, Ultra-Trail Chaing Mai in Chiang Mai Province on 31st of August to the 1st of September, Ultra-Trail Chaing Rai in Chiang Rai Province on the 18-20th of October, and Ultra-Trail Panoramic Mae Hong Sorn Provice on the 6-8th of December. Siang Pure Brand Ambassadors—Suki-Sukrit Kaewon (First from Left), Mum-Kalaya Srinantawong (Second from Left) and Nikom Tongjai (First from Right) participated in “SiangPure 4Trails Thailand Grand Opening” at Mint Space @ Mint Café by Peppermint Field.